Join Our Community Garden!
Our Deacon, Jesse McClain, is our Community Garden Coordinator. If you would be interested in a garden plot, please contact him at
Also, Tim Cassidy, our beekeeper, is always looking for some new volunteers to learn the art of beekeeping. These bees produce some incredible honey! Please call the rectory and leave your name and number if you are interested at 330-743-1109.
Getting outside is certainly good for us and gardening is good for the soul.
- St. Patrick's Vermicomposting Community Project -
March 18 is the initial meeting of the 30+ Honors Students from YSU completing their community service project in the gardens at St. Patrick's. The students and the church have teamed up to create the city's first worm farm. Worm farms are scientifically called vermicomposting. These worms will product rich organic material to use as a compost in the church's community gardens on Cleveland Street. The students will build, stock and sustain these farms and put together a presentation on their work to the Honor's College and Youngstown Community in the spring.
- St. Patrick's Apple Orchard -

- Path of Prayers -
Outdoor Stations of the Cross
Thank you to Fr. Kevin Peters, Sr. Elisa Bonano, OSF, Deacon Jesse McClain, Deacon Bill Bone,
and everyone who had a part in fulfilling what Christ asks of us.
"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works,
and glorify your Heavenly Father."
Matthew 5:16