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Spiritual Life


Altar Guild:  This organization provides funds for altar supplies and linens.  Their two main fundraisers are a Fall Card Party / Salad Buffet and Easter baking.


Hospital / Homebound Visitations

As a member of the Homebound Ministry, you bring Communion and parish news to parishioners in their homes, assisted living facilities, and nursing homes.

If you would like to help with this ministry, please contact us. A training will be provided.



The Lectors read the Scripture from the pulpit at weekend Masses. They also read the announcements and intercessions. Training will be provided.

To become a Lector, you must be at least a high school student and have celebrated Confirmation. For anyone interested in becoming a reader, please contact the parish office.


Eucharistic Ministers

As a Eucharistic Minister you will distribute the host or cup at Mass. Eucharistic Ministers must be at least a senior in high school and have celebrated Confirmation. Training will be provided.

Please contact the parish office if you are interested in this ministry.



Men and women of the parish welcome parishioners and visitors at the church doors before Masses. Greeters are asked to arrive at church at least 30 minutes prior to the start of Mass.

For more information about becoming a Greeter, please call the rectory office.



Ushers extend a welcome to parishioners and visitors. They assist people in finding a seat, help those with special needs or an emergency, if necessary.

Ushers are responsible for gathering the offerings of the congregation and presenting them to the priest at the offertory. Men or women are invited to be ushers.

If you are interested in becoming an Usher, please contact the rectory.


Altar Servers

Altar Servers assist the priest before, during and after Mass. This ministry is open to anyone from grade 3 through adult. If you would like to become an Altar Server, please contact the rectory.


Traditional Choir

Our traditional choir sings regularly at the 11am Mass from September to June. The Choir rehearses at 10:30am on
Sunday morning in the choir room (adjacent to the social hall).

If you are interested in joining the choir, please contact the parish office.


Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown…Women in Ministry

The Ursuline Sisters of Youngstown would like to acquaint women with their community prayer, vowed life and ministries so in responding to the call, they might enable the Ursulines of Youngstown to continue the charism of their Founder, Saint Angela Merici, and to continue the valuable services they offer to the people of God in our diocese.  To learn more, visit their website at


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